What witty words will I write for my first weblog post? Hmmm, I can’t think of anything now (nice alliteration for the first bit of that sentence though). Luckily I can come back later and edit it if I feel inspired.

I decided to start blogging because, well, maybe I like jumping on bandwagons. No. I have always wanted to do something like this but the thing is I seldom say what is really on my mind. I guess it’s because the whole idea of letting everyone know what I am thinking was a bit, well, scary. It shouldn’t be, but that’s me. Also, my fingers are much better at getting wit out of my head than my mouth is (thanks to all that extra thinking time) so this seems the perfect forum to do it.

The main reason I thought that now was the time to start something like this is because my company is sending me overseas for half a year. I want to keep my family and any friends who give a damn updated on what I’m doing. It was imperative, I thought, that I create a blog – hence the name “sine qua non”. The only reason I know of that word by the way is because of the well-wicked group Hybrid. I advise you go pick up one of their CDs and listen to that unique combination of breakbeats and strings. Diversion aside, I leave for Florida in about a week and it’s going to be interesting to see how I get everything sorted out before then.

Anyways, I’m writing this during work time so I have to get back to it. Stay tuned!