Category: photography

Peru 2010 – Arequipa

Arequipa is the second largest city by population (approximately 900,000), and is located in the Andes in the southern part of Peru. It’s up fairly high, at an altitude of about 2300m, although taking the whole trip to Peru into account, that’s about half of the highest altitude that we reached. It has a nickname, “La Ciudad Blanca” (The White City), due to the fact that many of the buildings are constructed of a white volcanic rock.

Getting off the plane, we were greeted with the sight of El Misti. This volcano, the most prominent in Arequipa, used to have a white top of snow but with warmer temperatures it isn’t seen anymore.

Arequipa airport

We signed up for one of the bus tours a few hours after arriving to get our bearings and visited a lookout that offered a view of El Misti (middle) surrounded by Picchu Picchu (right) and Chachani (left). Click through for the full-size version:

Panorama including Misti, Picchu Picchu and Chachani

One of the places that we visited was a water-powered mill.

The Santa Catalina monastery is something to definitely see while in Arequipa. About 20 nuns still live there, but the rest of the monastery is open to the public.

Monasterio de Santa Catalina

The most notable attribute of the monastery is the coloured walls. The blue coloured walls indicate a private area, while the red walls indicate a public area.

Monasterio de Santa Catalina

A special sort of rock is used to filter the water, and the filtration process can take a while. From memory about a litre of water could be filtered every five hours.

Rock filter.

Monasterio de Santa Catalina

One of the bus tour stops was a mini zoo of sorts that contained llamas, alpacas, vicuñas and guanacaos. I had my first experience of being spat at, and I have the guanacao to thank for that. I honestly thought he just wanted to chat.


Here are some more photos taken while walking around the main square of Arequipa.

Sunset in Arequipa

The cathedral of Arequipa at night

Iglesia de la Compañia

I swear there is no better way to finish the day than with a hot emoliente, a traditional Peruvian herbal drink. We spent a bit of time trying to find someone who was making them, but it was completely worth it.

That in a nutshell was our experience of Arequipa. The next two days were spent in the Chivay/Colca Canyon area (chasing condors), which will be the subject of my next Peru post. The full set of photos from Arequipa is up on flickr here.

Australia Day 2011

The last Australia Day I hosted was back in Australia and it involved beer, cricket, couches in a park and a TV with a looooong extension cord. I’d yet to host one in the United States, so I thought this year would be as good as any. Planning the full menu for a party of around eight people turned out to be a bit of a huge task, but I think it turned out fairly well (even though I was preparing and cooking food for nearly four hours… although I must admit, that time did fly). I’d nearly forgotten how many fantastic dishes there were to choose from, and thanks to the Internets, choosing the right recipe was made so much simpler.

For the starters I chose two dishes: Vegemite scrolls; and pork and fennel sausage rolls.

The sausage rolls turned out to be really light on the palate, and they tasted even better with a hint of tomato sauce (yeah, ok, ‘ketchup’). I nearly doubled the amount of spices in the mix, due in no small part because I was having so much fun with the pestle and mortar.

Pork and fennel sausage rolls

Vegemite scrolls are pretty easy to make. You just have to use a cheese with a lot of taste, and not lay the Vegemite on too thick on the puff pastry. Glaze the cut pastry rolls with egg, pop ’em in the oven and 15 mins later, Bob’s your uncle: tasty appetiser.

Cheese and vegemite scrolls

The main meal was the awesome ‘Aussie burger’. I chose to go with Bubba burgers with the following: egg, bacon, caramelised onions, beetroot, slightly fried pineapple, and tomato. Oh, and lettuce!

Aussie burger

Preparing dessert is always my favourite part. I have made the golden syrup dumplings enough times that I’ve modified the recipe enough to be my own. For one thing, you can’t get (or it’s difficult to find) golden syrup over here, so I substitute in corn syrup instead. Secondly, I double the amount of the syrup mix that the dumplings cook in. Thirdly, I make the dumplings dry enough that you can roll them into balls. I find that this combined with the ice cream makes a nice set of complementary textures, tastes and temperatures (alliteration FTW).

Golden syrup dumplings

Finally, the pavlova. I’d made the meringue base the previous night (with help from Adriana – thanks dear) but unfortunately the non-stick base it was cooked on was not exactly non-stick. Removing the meringue from its cooking pan captor unfortunately caused a few fractures. I’ve figured out what to use instead next time, at least, so lesson learned. Regarding the cream, you can buy whipping cream over here but it’s god-awful sweet (at least the ones I’ve tried are). After a bit of experimenting I made my own using heavy whipping cream, gelatine, and a wee bit of icing sugar (just enough to give a hint of sweetness). That was spooned over the top of the meringue, which was then topped with kiwi fruit and strawberries.


I think the night turned out to be a success, and a special thanks to Adriana for helping me prepare the food and putting up with my self-deprecating humour.

Me, cooking.

Peru 2010 – Lima

This is the first of three parts of the photos from Peru. I think I honestly spent more time reworking my Lightroom to Flickr workflow (I’ve reuploaded photos to Flickr several times working it out), so now I should be able to get photos up online a lot faster. This is going on the assumption that I *feel* like doing it immediately after taking photos, which has always been rather hit-and-miss with me (ask Adriana). I guess I also spent a bit of time working on my new website, so if you went to the old and ended up here (you should have), welcome!

While in Lima we stayed with Mema (Adriana’s grandma) again, and we were acquainted with her new dog ‘Cookie’, a Maltese Shih Tzu. She already had Gypsy, a miniature poodle, but Gypsy’s getting older and more relaxed now and so Cookie really balanced things out. I have to admit that I was never a fan of the small yappy dogs, but Cookie really grew on me, and we spent most of our time at Mema’s playing with her.

Mema with Gypsy and Cookie

I didn’t get the opportunity to eat Chifa, a form of Chinese cooking where local ingredients are used as substitutes, last time I was in Peru. I remedied that this time around, and the food was delicious.

Chifa at Walok

We went to friends of Adriana’s, Steve and Karla, to see their baby, check out their *fantastic* new place, and eat some anticuchos (normally beef heart on a skewer). The antichuchos were sold on the street, and there was quite a crowd gathering to buy them.

Anticuchos de Grimanesa

Our meal back at Steve and Karla’s

The feast at Karla and Steve's

The next day we headed out to the town of Cieneguilla for some Peruvian BBQ. There was a lot of good food here, as Chancho could testify

Chancho and food

Adriana, Chancho and I continued on to Antioquia, a small town out in the freaking middle of nowhere. The draw was that all the houses in the town were painted with birds, flowers, and so on, so it was something that just had to be seen. I didn’t know what to expect on the drive there. The road started off ok, then the condition of it got worse with many potholes, single lanes, rickety bridges and then small rocks that the car kept on bottoming out on. The road followed the river along and we were elevated above the river in some points, but there was nothing to stop us from going off the edge. My fear of heights was kept at bay, I think because I was more worried about not knowing how much worse the road was going to get, and whether we’d bottom out on rocks enough to get stuck.

On the way to Antioquia


Finally arriving in Antioquia, we were greeted by a town with very few people out and about, and some nicely painted houses.



After wondering around the town a bit, we finally headed back to Lima. It was a lot better on the way back, simply because we knew what to expect, and I was able to concentrate on taking photos again.

Leaving Antioquia

Leaving Antioquia

Back in Lima, we visited Adriana’s aunt (who is 25!) and her newborn, Macarena. This photo shows Macarena holding my finger while in Adriana’s arms, and Adriana’s grandfather in the background.

Visiting Macarena

We were also very kindly taken out for chicharrones (a dish made with fried pork rinds) by some of Adriana’s family for our wedding anniversary. I think I got a hint of my future demise while there…


Near the end of our Peru trip, we saw a traditional Peru dance performance at a place called “Las Brisas del Titicaca”. It was fantastic, the costumes especially so.

Las Brisas del Titicaca

Las Brisas del Titicaca

Pachacamac, a pre-Inca temple site, was the last thing to see on our Lima itinerary.


Someone was having a wedding there while we were visiting

A wedding at Pachacamac

And I finally got to see a Peruvian dog up close. It’s a hairless dog, and in some cases doesn’t have teeth. This is fine example of one.

The attractive Peruvian dog

So that, in a nutshell, sums up what we saw in Lima. There are still posts waiting for Arequipa and Chivay/Colca Canyon. The whole set for Lima is available here.

I am: blue glow-stick guy

I am: blue glowstick guy

Seen at the Hybrid DJ set at Revolution, downtown Ft Lauderdale.