On working from home

I follow DHH (creator or Ruby on Rails, among other things) on Twitter and he always has great insights on tech. I found myself one day reading the Basecamp (of which he is a co-founder) employee handbook, thinking it was going to be something like the one from Valve, but to me this was so much more. I stopped reading every now and then to think “wow, can work life possibly be like this?” and was left wondering how I as a small cog in a corporate machine could hope to make any changes like this.

Then COVID-19 happened, and the very corporate environment that I used to work in shifted to something closer to their ideals, but honestly still far, far away. I wondered what other advice Basecamp had regarding working from home, and found their book “REMOTE: Office not required“. It’s a great read at only a few hours, is packed with information, and helped me out with adapting to working from home. From it, I’m going to be reading at least one more book: “On Writing Well” (my reading list is just getting out of control, though not nearly as bad as my Steam games backlog) and I’m going to bring my 32-inch 4k monitor at work back home – I don’t know what sort of crazy I was thinking by leaving it there.

Kristian Golding

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