Server performance monitoring with “Netdata”

I run a couple of servers at work for my skunkworks projects, and I was trying to find a good monitoring tool to see how much stress I was putting them under.  I already use “monit” (, running on a Raspberry Pi, to monitor whether a server (and services running on it) is there at all, but for more detailed monitoring, Netdata ( was the killer app for me.  It’s super easy to install, and once up and running you just go to <servername>:19999 to check the status.  If you leave it idle for a while, it’ll stop updating (nice!), which I thought was good because it does provide a metric ton of information.  The really nice thing is that because my servers host a bunch of Docker containers, I can see what *each container* is doing.  Too awesome.

Example shot for one of the containers:


Kristian Golding

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