Category: animals

Ducktales (episode 2)

They have arrived.


We were starting to wonder when they were going to hatch, if ever. As it turned out, we were a week off of when we thought Razzi actually started sitting on the eggs. To see the first duckling appear this morning was absolutely amazing. To see another breaking out of its shell was incredible. At the last count there were ten ducklings.

I wanted to get photos and possibly video, but without disturbing Razzi constantly. So I set up my camera on a tripod and configured it to take a photo every minute. I also set up my phone to stream video to so we could watch the actual video stream. At around the fifteen second mark in this video: you can see the duckings moving about with Razzi staying guard.

Near the end of the day, Razzi had to leave to go feed (as if we didn’t feed her enough already), so she ‘trusted’ us enough to leave the duckings alone with us looking on. I was able to grab this video (no audio since I was shooting through glass so you couldn’t hear them anyway) while she was away:

To close it out, here they are looking pretty exhausted, and a link to the Flickr set follows:


Flickr set link.

Ducktales (episode 1)

One of the Muscovy ducks that hangs out around our place is called “Razzi”. Meet Razzi:


I noticed one day that the calla lillies in one of the planters on our patio were all flattened. I uncovered a bit of debris from the flattening and found two duck eggs. Anyone who knows farmer boy PK could guess that I was absolutely over the moon! A week or so later, the planter looked like this:

18 duck eggs

We’re expecting that sometime this week the eggs will hatch. Razzi is patiently waiting for this to happen, albeit with the probably-too-often intrusion from some inquisitive humans. Eh, at the end of the day, she seems to be pretty chill about it:


Being shagged by a parrot

I found this gem earlier today on my BBC youtube feed, and I just cannot stop watching it. The ‘look’ on the bird’s face, the awesome Englishman commentary… it’s just fantastic.

The hermit crabs

Here are photos of the six hermit crabs I’ve been looking after, along with a photo of the setup I used to take the photos.







The whole hermit crab set is here.